Dear Istinye Family,
Bloomsbury Medieval Studies database has been opened to access.
Bloomsbury Medieval Studies is a reference work written by an international group of scholars, combining thematic studies, regional studies, object case studies, and basic case studies.
Includes visual resources, including newly digitized and rare incunabula from the Senate House Library, high-resolution medieval maps from the British Library, and 1000 images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
It includes primary texts, research monographs from Bloomsbury and other top publishers in the field, such as IB Tauris, Arc Humanities Press and Amsterdam University Press, as well as access to 190 scholarly books selected by the Editorial Advisory Board.
For off-campus access, you can access the “Bloomsbury Medieval Studies” database via the "Databases - Subscriber" tab on the library home page.
For your questions, requests and suggestions, you can reach us via the e-mail address kutuphane@istinye.edu.tr.