Kampüs dışı erişim için kılavuzdaki adımları takip edebilirsiniz.
Koleksiyon Adı | İçerik | Bilgi | Kampüs Dışı Erişim |
Open Access Australasia (Open Access) | Thesis, Book, Article |
This website aims to be an authoritative source of information on all aspects of open access in Australia and New Zealand. |
Academic Earth (Open Access) | Course Materials |
SUBJECT HEADING: Open Course Materials, Art and Design, Business, Engineering, Social and Humanities, Medicine and Health, Science and MathematicsIt includes collections of free online college courses from the world's best universities such as Oxford University, Yale University, University of Michigan, University of Chicago, Stanford University, Harvard University. |
Academic Research Index (Open Access) | Index Database |
Academic Research Index is a resource that indexes local and international academic studies published on the internet. |
Academic Search Ultimate | E-book & E-journal |
SUBJECT HEADING: Social Sciences and Humanities, Science, Technology and MedicineIt indexes 17.000+ journals, 8800+ of which are full text, together with their abstracts. Provides full-text access to 7,300+ peer-reviewed journals. |
Acarindex (Open Access) | Article |
African Journals Online (Open Access) | E-journal |
SUBJECT HEADING: Africa, Health, AgricultureIt includes nearly 200 journals on health and agriculture published in Africa. |
Aga Khan Library (Open Access) | Manuscript & Rare Book & Photograph & Map |
SUBJECT HEADING: Rare Book, Manuscript, Photograph, MapIt offers access to updated and updated digital collections of rare works, manuscripts, works of art, out-of-print publications, photographs, maps in the library collection. |
AgEcon Search: Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics (Open Access) | E-journal & E-book |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryAll materials in AgEcon Search are part of a series or conference or journal sponsored by an organization. Organizations might include academic departments, government agencies, non-government organizations, or professional associations. All materials are full text, and in PDF format.Materials appropriate for AgEcon Search:
Agricola (Open Access) | E-journal & E-book |
SUBJECT HEADING: Agriculture, Food SciencesThe National Agricultural Library is one of five national libraries of the United States and houses one of the world's largest collections devoted to agriculture and its related sciences. |
AHRnet Biographical Dictionary of British and Irish Architects (Open Access) | Abstract & Index & Biography |
SUBJECT HEADING: Art, Architecture, Design, ExhibitionContains the full text of a wide range of International Art and Architecture journals published between the 1860s and the 1930s. Contains biographical data on nearly 45,000 artists, architects, designers and craftspeople. This is an ongoing project to digitize every book, exhibition catalogue, pamphlet and conference paper, as well as much of the journal literature published in Britain and Ireland during the late nineteenth century and early years of the twentieth century. |
AIP Publishing (Open Access) | E-journal |
SUBJECT HEADINGI: Medicine, Chemistry, Structural Biology, PhysicsTo support global research during the COVID-19 pandemic, AIP Publishing has made this collection of articles on infectious diseases, epidemics, computational epidemiology, and pandemics free to read. |
Akuademi.Net (Open Access) | E-journal |
SUBJECT HEADING: Aquatic SciencesAkuademi.Net, articles, papers, etc. related to aquaculture. It aims to disseminate publications over the web to large audiences. For this purpose, it is ensured that the publications are published on the Akuademi.Net pages by obtaining permission from the publishers and regulatory persons and institutions. |
altKitap (Open Access) | E-Book |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryaltKitap is Turkey's online publishing house, which has been publishing free electronic books on the internet since 2000. Since the day it was founded, it has aimed to spread literary and intellectual content over the internet free of charge. |
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E-Journal |
American Meteorological Society (AMS) 12 peer-reviewed scientific journals, Bulletin of the AMS (BAMS) and special research collections. |
American Numismatic Society (Open Access) | Reference |
Since its founding in 1858, ANS has created a permanent collection of more than 800,000 objects, from 650 BCEs, home to about 100,000 books, documents and works. These resources are used to support the publication of books and periodicals, lectures, academic seminars and exhibitions. |
Anadolu Üniversitesi Dijital Ders Platformu (Open Access) | Course Materials |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryAnadolu University Open Education System includes 1.046 textbooks, 12,289 course presentations, 2.987 videos, 7.823 unit summaries and 6.614 audio summaries. |
Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO) (Open Access) | Policy |
APO is an open access evidence platform – making public policy research and resources accessible and useable. |
Ankara Üniversitesi Açık Ders Malzemeleri (Open Access) | Course Materials |
SUBJECT HEADING: Language and History, Geography, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Educational Sciences, Science, Fine Arts, Nursing, Law, Theology, Communication, Engineering, Health Sciences, Political Sciences, Sports Sciences, Medicine, Applied Sciences, Veterinary, Agriculture, Justice, Conservatory, Biotechnology, Educational Sciences, Natural Sciences, Stem Cell, Nuclear Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, History of Turkish RevolutionANKADEM is the Open Course Materials platform where Ankara University offers open and free learning resources for faculty, students and self-learners all over the world through Moodle. |
Ankara University Journal Database (Open Access) | Journal Database |
This database containing periodicals published by Ankara University. |
Annual Reviews | Article |
Annual Reviews consists of the world's leading review journals in the life sciences, biomedical sciences, natural sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences and economics. Annual Reviews was founded in 1932 to provide a solution to the perennial shortage of scientists finding the time to read the most important research in their field. Annual Reviews, which is a unique resource for researchers to follow the latest developments in their fields and to find opportunities for collaboration, is used as a reference source for researchers who do not have detailed knowledge on the subject. |
Aperta (Open Access) | E-journal & E-book |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryAperta is TÜBİTAK's open access archive. |
Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective | Abstract & Index |
SUBJECT HEADING: Life Sciences, Economics and Administrative SciencesIn the database containing 4,500,000+ records published between 1913-1983, environment, electricity and electronics, aviation and space, industry, mining, nuclear energy, automotive engineering, economy, energy resources and research, finance, communication, information technologies, It includes publications in the fields of occupational health and safety, chemicals and pharmacy, accounting, marketing, sales, mergers, transportation, international trade and publishing. |
Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective | Abstract & Index |
SUBJECT HEADING: Applied Sciences, TechnologyIt is a reference source that sheds light on important scientific studies between 1913 and 1983, solutions to controversial issues, innovative findings and research on the development of technology. Indexes over 3 million articles and book reviews from more than 1,400 periodicals with summaries, while the Industrial Arts Index (1913-1957) includes full files. |
Arabic Collections Online (Open Access) | E-book |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryIt aims to digitize, preserve and provide free open access to a wide range of Arabic language books on topics such as literature, philosophy, law, religion and more. |
Arabic Manuscripts Online (Open Access) | Manuscript |
SUBJECT HEADING: History of Medicine, ManuscriptThe archive, which includes about 1000 medical history manuscripts, among its collections containing works in 43 languages, especially Ottoman, Arabic and Persian, is available for free access. |
Arachne (Open Access) | Architectural Plan & Visual & Photo |
SUBJECT HEADING: Architectural Plan, Visual, Byzantine Architecture, Ottoman Architecture, Photography, ArcheologyThe archive of the Istanbul branch of the German Archeology Institute can be accessed through the German Archeology Institute Digital Database. In this archive, there is a large collection of photographs taken in the 19th and early 20th centuries about architectural structures and cities in Turkey. In addition to photographs, visual documents such as architectural plans and sketches are also available. Sources cover not only Ancient Anatolian civilizations, but also Byzantine and Ottoman architecture. |
Archive of European Integration-University of Pittsburgh - AEI (Open Access) | Annual Report- Proceedings-Reference |
The Archive of European Integration (AEI) is a free to everyone electronic repository and archive for research materials on the topic of European integration and unification. |
Arkitekt (Open Access) | Journal Database |
The database of Arkitekt Magazine was prepared by the Chamber of Architects within the scope of Zeki Sayar Commemoration Program (2010-2012). |
Arkiv (Open Access) | Architectural Plan |
SUBJECT HEADING: Architecture, Turkish ArchitectureARKİV, which is published under the sponsorship of Kalebodur, is Turkey’s single architecture reference source which follows the production of Turkish architecture that constantly renews itself.
Arşivde Kadın ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet (Open Access) | E-Journal |
The journal, which is published twice a year, in March and September, every 6 months, is open to access, includes articles/articles/researches based on documents that will be a source of women's history, the visibility of archives, the establishment process, history and development of women-centred archives, and documents that constitute the memory of women. At the same time, it contributes to the encouragement of studies on the subject, the representation of women in archives, the inclusion of documents on women in the provision policy and the concept of gender in archives, and the production of new research in this direction. |
Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson) | Abstract & Index |
SUBJECT HEADING: History of Art, Landscape Architecture, Painting, SculptureIt covers many issues related to art, covering the period from 1929 to 1984. It indexes 25,000+ book reviews in addition to 600+ journals. It covers all topics related to art, from antiques to art history, from fashion design to landscape architecture, from painting to sculpture. |
ArXiv E-print Archive (Open Access) | Journal Database |
This database that provides open access to many journals in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science and Economics. |
ASEE - American Society for Engineering Education (Open Access) | E-Journal & Conference Papers |
SUBJECT HEADING: Engineering, TechnologyThe American Society for Engineering Education offers free access to 11 academic journals and conference proceedings that support education in engineering technologies. |
Atatürk Ansiklopedisi (Open Access) | Encyclopedia |
SUBJECT HEADING: Atatürk, Turkish Nation, RevolutionAtatürk Culture, Language and History Supreme Council, Atatürk Research Center Presidency has started the preparation of Atatürk Encyclopedia in order to provide information based on primary and reliable sources about the places where Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk lived, the events and phenomena that he initiated, directed or directed, the events and phenomena that were effective in shaping the future of the Turkish nation and structuring the society, the revolutions he carried out and the historical figures of the period from his birth to his death. |
Atatürk Kitaplığı Open Access Databases (Open Access) | Journal, Book |
Digital Databases offers a comprehensive list of databases covering national and international studies in different disciplines, providing access to millions of resources. |
Atatürk Üniversitesi Açık Ders Malzemeleri (Open Access) | Course Materials |
SUBJECT HEADING: Educational Sciences, Sciences, Engineering, Architecture and Design, Fisheries, Health SciencesThese are the courses that have been prepared to support students and educators throughout their formal education life, as well as to support individuals who aim to achieve lifelong learning, and are offered in digital environments without any charge or condition. |
Atlas of Living Australia (Open Access) | Map, Atlas |
The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is a collaborative, digital, open infrastructure that pulls together Australian biodiversity data from multiple sources, making it accessible and reusable. |
Australasian Legal Information Institute (Open Access) | Legislation |
The premier website on Australian cases and legislation. It also has extensive links to international and other Australian legal sites. |
Australian Bureau of Statistics (Open Access) | Statistics |
Australian statistics and census data are provided. |
B.C. Open Collection (Open Access) | Educational Resources |
The B.C. Open Collection is a curated selection of open educational resources (OER) that can be accessed by educators in B.C. and beyond to use in the classroom, in an institutional learning management system, or on other teaching and learning platforms. |
Bayerische StaatsBibliothek Kütüphanesi E-book Collection (Open Access) | Electronic Book |
With approximately 2 million digital studies, the Bavarian State Library holds the largest digital data stock of all German libraries. The library's collection profile consists of manuscripts, rare printed books and extensive private collections of thousands of years of cultural heritage. |
Belleten (OpenAccess) | Journal Database |
Turkish Journal of Turkish Historical Society is published quarterly. As of the first issue, online access is available. |
BEPress (Open Access) | Webinars |
Founded in 1999 by professors, BEPress supports academic communities to demonstrate their work and expertise for maximum impact. |
Berlin State University Turkish Manuscript Collection (Open Access) | Manuscript Collection |
Since the library was founded in 1661, more than 11 million printed materials have been collected alone. The collection consists of more than 2.2 million additional printed works and other materials that are often unique in private collections - western and oriental manuscripts, music signatures, properties and deposits, personal collections, maps and historical newspapers. The library's collection also includes more than 10 million microforms and more than 12 million motifs in the picture library. In addition, a constantly growing number of databases and other electronic resources complement the collection. The quality of its collections and various services characterize the library's exclusive prestige worldwide. |
Bibliography of Sources of Law (Open Access) | Bibliography |
Hukuk Kaynakları Bibliyografyası is a bibliographic database that indexes information about Turkish legal resources. |
Bilkent Courses on the Web (Open Access) | Course Materials |
SUBJECT HEADING: Engineering, History, Music, Economics, International Relations, Archeology, Mathematics, Management, Law, Political Science and Public AdministrationBilkent University contains lecture videos for graduate and undergraduate students about education programs. |
Biodiversity Heritage Library (Open Access) | Book, Journal |
The world's largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL is revolutionizing global research by providing free worldwide access to information about life on Earth. It improves research methodology by making literature openly accessible as part of the global biodiversity community. |
Bioline International (Open Access) | Journal Database |
Bioline International is a not-for-profit scholarly publishing cooperative committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. |
BioMed Central (Open Access) | Journal Database |
A pioneer of open access publishing, BMC has an evolving portfolio of high quality peer-reviewed journals including broad interest titles such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine, specialist journals such as Malaria Journal and Microbiome, and the BMC Series. |
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Açık Ders Malzemeleri (Open Access) | Course Materials |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinarySeminar series created by Boğaziçi University faculty members under different themes share current developments and important discussion topics in many fields, from psychology to computer engineering, from physics to linguistics. |