General Information






Vadi Central Library
08.30 AM - 08.00 PM 
Library 2nd Floor 24/7
*Library 2nd floor is closed between 08:30AM-09:00AM for cleaning.
H Block 6th Floor Study Area 24/7
Library 2nd Floor 24/7
H Block 6th Floor Study Area 24/7
Topkapı Campus Library
08.30 AM - 05.30 PM
 Library Ground Floor and Super Silence Study Space 24/7
*Library is closed between 08:00 AM-08:30 AM for cleaning.
 Library Ground Floor and Super Silence Study Space 24/7
Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
Medical Faculty Library
08.00 AM - 05.30 PM
Medical Park Gaziosmanpaşa
Medical Faculty Library
08.30 AM - 05.30 PM

Taking into account the information needs of students, academic and administrative staff, ISU Library aims to encourage and facilitate scholarly participation by providing access to both traditional and innovative resources, promoting excellence in lifelong learning, teaching and research, and strives to be an inclusive place for innovative research and development by collaborating with colleagues.

Istinye University Central Library is located in Vadi Main Campus, Topkapı Library is located next to the Congress Center (former Student Center) in Topkapı Campus, Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir Faculty of Medicine Library is located on the 8th floor in Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir, and Medical Park Gaziosmanpaşa Faculty of Medicine Library is located on the 2nd floor of Block D in Medical Park Gaziosmanpaşa.

With a collection of approximately 43 thousand printed books, 144 rare books (Ottoman Turkish) and 445 printed periodicals, a collection of approximately 200 thousand e-resources and 52 databases, the Vadi Central Library covers an area of 2300 m² (1 Super Silent Study area, research area, 1 computer area, 4 group study rooms and 375 seating capacity), Topkapı Library serves in an area of 810 m² (1 super silent study area, 1 research area, 1 computer area, 1 general area and 2 group study rooms and 186 seating capacity), Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir Faculty of Medicine Library serves in an area of 114 m² (36 seating capacity) and Medical Park Gaziosmanpaşa Faculty of Medicine Library serves in an area of 159. 50 m² (34 seating capacity).

The library collection is organized according to the Library of Congress Classification System (LCC) and the National Library of Medicine Classification System (NLM).