Inter-Library Loan and Documentation Service

Inter-Library Loan and Documentation Service Rules

Inter-Library Loan and Document Supply Service (ILL) is a service that allows borrowing books, articles, book chapters and theses that are not in the collection of Istinye University Library from other libraries.

Benefit Conditions for Istinye University Members 

  • Academic staff, doctoral, graduate, undergraduate and associate degree students benefit from the Interlibrary Loan and Documentation Service (ILL).
Academic Staff Book Book Chapter Article Thesis
Administrative Staff Book Book Chapter Article Thesis
Phd Student Book Book Chapter Article Thesis
Postgraduate Student Book Book Chapter Article Thesis
Undergraduate Student Book Book Chapter Article Thesis
Associate Student Book Book Chapter Article Thesis


  • Requests are made by filling out the "ILL Request Form" on the Library web page.
  • Only books, book chapters, articles and thesis types are provided via ILL.
  • The user can request up to five (5) resources at a time.
  • The arrival time of the books in the libraries outside the city is at least three (3) days. Arrival time may vary depending on the availability of the book on the shelf at the requested date, the lending library's ILL policy, and the time in the mail.
  • Article and document requests are provided by photocopy from the library where the source is available or as PDF in electronic environment.
  • After the requester is informed that their request has reached the library, they personally come to Istinye University Central Library within three (3) days at the latest, shows the ISU ID card, receives the source and returns it on time.
  • The loan period for books provided with the ILL is determined by the lending rules of the provider University Library.
  • The requester agrees to use the borrowed resource without violating copyright law.
  • In order to extend the period of the borrowed book, it is necessary to inform five (5) days before the return date. The extension period and number vary depending on the ILL policy of the library from which the resource is borrowed.
  • If the requester does not borrow the book received at the Vadi Central Library Information Desk within three (3) days, cannot request the same book again.
  • If the borrowed book is lost, damaged or not delivered on time after it has been delivered to the requester, the responsibility lies with the requester. In this case, the rules of the library from which the book was borrowed apply.
  • The provider library reserves the right to recall the book before the return date.

Terms of Use of Other Libraries

  • Academic staff and graduate students from other universities benefit from the Istinye University Library's Interlibrary Loan and Document Supply Service.
  • Other libraries make their book requests through the Interlibrary Request Tracking System (KİTS) or the Turkish Document Supply System (TÜBESS). Individual user requests sent directly by phone or e-mail are not accepted and are directed to the relevant librarian at the affiliated institution.
  • Books in the Rare Collection, easy reading books, Reserve books and non-book materials are not loaned.
  • The usage period of the borrowed resource is thirty (30) days.
  • A library may borrow a maximum of five (5) books at one (1) time.
  • If there is no reserve (reservation) on the usage period of the borrowed book, it can be extended one (1) time.
  • Article requests are made through KİTS or TÜBESS request systems.
  • A library may request a maximum of five (5) articles at one (1) time.
  • The late fee for the book provided by ILL is one (1) TL per day. In case of loss, damage or late return of the borrowed book, the responsibility belongs to the authorized person in the library to which the resource was lent. In this case, the Lending Rules of the İstinye University Library apply.
  • Istinye University Library reserves the right to recall the book before the return date.