Dear Members of Istinye University,
We would be happy to share with you around our “International Women's Day” event organized by our library:
- Exhibition: Topkapı Campus, 5th Floor, Library Corridor.
- Book Selection: "Women's Day" book selection stand is on the "Central Library" page. Our booth will remain open for a week.
- Interview: On Monday, March 9, you will have two women who have succeeded by overcoming the obstacles in their conversation with the theme “Women Overcoming Barriers”.
- Lottery: While you borrow your book selection, the gift is waiting for your lottery cards. Our raffle will be held on Monday, March 9 at the end of the “Women Overcoming Barriers” conversation.
- Bookends: Our bookmarks designed specifically for the memory of this day will also comment on you at our library bank.
- Social Media Sharing: We will take your photo in your photo shoot, between your permission or fairy tale, and share it by tagging you in our social media accounts.
* Interview, participant students are given NONA score.
Interview: Women Overcoming Barriers
Date: Monday, March 9, 2020
Hours: 14.00-15.30
Place: Conference Hall II (Topkapı Campus)