Kampüs dışı erişim için kılavuzdaki adımları takip edebilirsiniz.
Koleksiyon Adı | İçerik | Bilgi | Kampüs Dışı Erişim |
EUR-Lex: EU law (Open Access) | Legislation |
Official Journal of the European Union |
Europe PubMed Central (Open Access) | Article and Index Database |
Europe PMC is a repository, providing access to worldwide life sciences articles, books, patents and clinical guidelines. |
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 | Abstract & Index |
SUBJECT HEADING: Publications About AmericaIncludes printed records written about America in Europe before 1750. Major topics covered in more than 32,000 entries in total: Britons in America, trade, exploration, Dutch in America, French in America, religions and beliefs in America, pirates, slave trade, etc. |
Europeana Collections (Open Access) | Art-Photography-Newspaper-Map-Manuscript |
The Europeana database provides access to more than 15 million digital resources in Europe's museums, libraries, archives and audiovisual collections. |
Eurostat (Open Access) | Statistics, Analysis, Report |
You can access Eurostat data from the European Union Statistical Office free of charge. In addition to statistical data, you can use Eurostat's "Statistics Explained" application for other related analyzes and studies. Eurostat databases includes:
Faolex (Open Access) | Legislation and Policy |
Faolex is an up-to-date database of national laws, regulations and policies regarding food, agriculture and natural resource management. Faolex users have free access to the full text of legislation and policies in the database, as well as summary and indexing information about each text. The Faolex database includes:
FARABİ Digital Library - IRCICA (Open Access) | Electronic Book |
FARABİ is a software solely designed to facilitate and help our libraries, in displaying their digital collections through internet and intranet for researchers, historians, academicians, graduate, undergraduate and Phd students for their needs in the digital domain. |
Free eBooks - Project Gutenberg (Open Access) | Electronic Book |
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. |
Free Music Archive (Open Access) | Music |
This site offers free downloads under Creative Commons and other licenses. See the track page to discover what you can and cannot do with each track. |
Free-eBooks (Open Access) | E-book |
SUBJECT HEADING: Multidisciplinary10 fiction collections (classics, drama, humor, horror, mystery/thriller, romance, science fiction, short stories), 11 nonfiction collections (academic, biographies, body and soul, business, computing, cookbooks, health and fitness, religion , science and mathematics, social sciences), 3 audiobook collections offer free access to e-books. |
Gallica (Open Access) | Manuscripts, maps, photographs, posters, sheet music, sound documents |
Gallica is the digital library of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and its partners. Online since 1997, the site is enriched with thousands of new items every week and today offers access to several million documents. |
Google Images (Open Access) | Images |
How to find Creative Commons images on Google: 1. Enter your topic search. 2. Use Tools > Usage Rights > Creative Commons. |
GreenFILE | Abstract & Index |
SUBJECT HEADING: Environment, Nature Climate, Renewable EnergyIt draws attention to the links between the environment and various disciplines such as agriculture, education, law and technology. Some of the topics covered are: global warming, climate changes, pollution, afforestation, agriculture, renewable energy and recycling. In this database containing nearly 13,000 open access full-text records, over 850,000 records are indexed with summaries. |
Harvard Digital Collections (Open Access) | Manuscripts, Audio-Visual Material |
While much of Harvard Library's digital content is available only to Harvard affiliates, Harvard Digital Collections provides free, public access to over six million digital objects - from ancient art to modern manuscripts and even audio/visual material. |
Hathi Trust: Digital Library (Open Access) | Electronic Book |
HathiTrust is a growing, global partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future. |
History of Istanbul (Open Access) | Image & Miniature & Engraving |
SUBJECT HEADING: Fine Arts, Architecture, TopographyFrom Antiquity to XXI. It provides access to 363 articles and 4,000 visual materials including maps, miniatures, engravings, pictures and archive documents in the fields of Topography, architecture, religious and social life, management, and economics. |
HTEM - High Throughput Experimental Materials (Open Access) | Experimental Material |
High Throughput Experimental Materials Database |
Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 | Abstract & Index |
SUBJECT HEADING: Social and HumanitiesHumanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 It indexes nearly 1,200 periodicals, more than 1,300,000 records and more than 240,000 book reviews. |
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Popular and Academic E-journal |
SUBJECT HEADING: Multidiciplinaryİdealonline current content information is as follows;
IEEE | E-journal |
SUBJECT HEADING: Technology, Engineering,Medical EngineeringElectrical-electronic engineering, information technology, computer, biomedical engineering, physics etc. In addition to full-text access, it also includes IEEE and IEE's journals, conferences and standards. |
IGI Global E-Book Collection | E-book |
SUBJECT HEADING: Computer Engineering, Software, Business, Management Science, Educational Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences and HumanitiesIGI Global e-book collection includes the works of experts and academicians who are considered as the authorities in its field in 11 different subject areas. |
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General |
Climate Portal aims to collect all data and information on climate change across Turkey in a single source, allowing all users to access scientifically verified content from a single source. |
InTechOpen (Open Access) | Electronic Book |
The InTeachOpen database provides electronic access to books in the fields of science, technology and medicine. |
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free (Open Access) | E-Book & Video & Software & Image |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryThe Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. Today our archive contains:
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Open Access) | Philosophy |
It was established to provide open access to detailed, academic, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy, written by philosophers from a wide range of countries. |
Internet Modern History Sourcebook (Open Access) | Book |
Links to available full text books. This list helps those compiling web guides. Most of them are complete books that are usually given to students in university courses. There are also excerpted texts. |
intihal.net | Similarity Check Program |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryIt is a domestic program produced in Turkey to determine the similarity rate in academic studies. To become a member of the program, an application must be made via corporate e-mail addresses. |
intihal.net | Similarity Check Program |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryIt is a domestic program produced in Turkey to determine the similarity rate in academic studies. To become a member of the program, an application must be made via corporate e-mail addresses. |
İSAM - Article Database in Ottoman Language (Open Access) | Journal Database |
This database consists of articles in history, literature and Islamic sciences in Ottoman journals. |
İSAM - Articles on Theology Database (Open Access) | Article Database |
This database includes articles in the field of Theology and papers presented in symposiums and congresses, published in scientific periodicals published by various publishing houses and institutions, especially journals published by the faculties of Theology. |
İSAM - Centre for Islamics Studies (Open Access) | Reference-Article-Salname-Risale |
Turkiye Diyanet Vakfı (TDV), or Turkiye Diyanet Foundation was established in 1975 with the objective of supporting the activities of Diyanet Isleri Baskanligi, or the Presidency of Religious Affairs. When the TDV decided to have an original encyclopedia of Islam published, first in 1983 it set up the TDV Islam Ansiklopedisi Genel Mudurlugu, or the General Directorate of TDV Encyclopedia of Islam in Istanbul. After five years of preparation, publication of the encyclopedia began in November 1988. At the same time, the TDV also created Islam Arastirmalari Merkezi, or the Center for Islamic Studies so that the research carried out by scholars, whose training was made possible through graduate scholarships granted by the TDV could be coordinated in a systematic and efficient manner. The Center for Islamic Studies started its activities in 1988 in the same building as the General Directorate. In 1993 these two organizations merged, forming Turkiye Diyanet Vakfi Islam Arastirmalari Merkezi (ISAM), or the TDV Center for Islamic Studies and the responsibility for preparing the encyclopedia was given to ISAM. |
İSAM - Database for Articles on Turkish History, Literature, Culture and Art (Open Access) | Article Database |
Türk Tarih, Edebiyat, Kültür ve Sanat Makaleleri Veritabanı, includes articles published in scientific publications published by various publishers and institutions, especially academic journals, and papers presented in symposiums and congresses. |
İSAM - Documentation Database (Open Access) | Reference Database |
This database was prepared to share the documents used in the writing of the articles in TDV Islamic Encyclopedia with the researchers. |
İSAM - Ottoman Salnāme Database (Open Access) | Salname Database |
This database includes Ottoman state and provincial charter and Nevsal. |
İSAM - Treatise Database in Ottoman Language (Open Access) | Treatise Database |
This database consists of treatises on history, literature and Islamic sciences. |
Islamic Heritage Project (Open Access) | Manuscript Collection |
The Islamic Heritage Project database has transferred hundreds of Islamic manuscripts, maps and printed texts to Harvard's famous library and museum collections. These rare and mostly unique works have been made available to researchers all over the world via the Internet. |
İstanbul Ticaret Gazetesi (Open Access) | Newspaper |
SUBJECT HEADING: News, Newspaper, Market, Economy, TradeThe newspaper, which is the official news website of Turkey, is one of the economic news sources. It includes: markets, trade news, breaking news, columns, economy news, agenda news. |
İstanbul University Press(Open Access) | E-Book, E-Journal |
Istanbul University Press aims to contribute to the dissemination of ever growing scientific knowledge through publication of high quality scientific journals and books in accordance with the international publishing standards and ethics. Istanbul University Press follows an open access, non-commercial, scholarly publishing. |
İstanbul'un Dijital Seyir Terası (Open Access) | Open Access |
You can watch Istanbul live from anywhere in the world thanks to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality cameras located in the most beautiful spots of Istanbul. In addition to Istanbul photos, the Time Machine application offers a journey through Istanbul in history. |
iThenticate (Research Tool) | Similarity Check Program (For Articles Only) |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryiThenticate program is used only for similarity analysis of articles/articles and book chapters/book chapters written on behalf of Istinye University. The iThenticate account is open to faculty members with full-time doctoral degrees and above in the staff of our university. Click for the guide. |
iThenticate (Research Tool) | Similarity Check Program (For Articles Only) |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryiThenticate program is used only for similarity analysis of articles/articles and book chapters/book chapters written on behalf of Istinye University. The iThenticate account is open to faculty members with full-time doctoral degrees and above in the staff of our university. Click for the guide. |
J-STAGE (Open Access) | Journal Database |
J-STAGE is an electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan, developed and managed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). |
Jamendo Music (Open Access) | Music |
Free, creative co-licensed music. |
JSTOR Archive Journal Content | E-journal |
SUBJECT HEADING: MultidisciplinaryFull-text access to 10,000,000+ academic journal articles in 75 disciplines in Arts & Sciences I- Arts & Sciences XV, Life Sciences, Business IV, Ecology & Botany II, Ireland Collection, Jewish Studies Collection, Hebrew Journals Collection and Sustainability Collection packages presents. |
Kara Harp Okulu Tarihî Arşivi Nadir Eserler Kitaplığı | Periodicals & Newspapers & Books & Visuals |
SUBJECT TITLE: MultidisciplinaryThe documents of the following titles in the Rare Artifacts collection of the Military Academy Historical Archive have been made available in the digital environment.
Karger E-Book Colleciton | E-book |
SUBJECT HEADING: Medicine and Health SciencesYou can access 849+ e-books written between 1997-2020 with full text.Book List
KAYSİS - Kamu Mevzuat Sisteminde Ara (Open Access) | Legislation |
Search in the public legislation system |
KoreaMed (Open Access) | Journal Database |
KoreaMed, a service of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE), provides access to articles published in Korean medical, dental, nursing, nutrition and veterinary journals. KoreaMed records include links to full-text content in Synapse and publisher web sites. |
Kütüphanecilik Mesleki Etik İlkeleri (Open Access) | Declaration |
SUBJECT TITLE: Librarianship, EthicsPrinciples of Professional Ethics in Librarianship |
Language and Etymology Library (Open Access) | Reference-Dictionary-Electronic Book |
The site has a rich collection of language and etymology, and Turkish books published in Iran. |