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Bookboon (Open Access)


Bookboon has the Learning Industry's largest collection of small audio content with over 3000 titles. The unique power of audio makes on-the-go learning possible in any situation.

BSI Knowledge Database | Until July 22, 2024

International Standards/Technical Documents

There are over 92,000 standards in its scope. Since it is trial access, access is View Only access.

EN (European Standards) -All European Standards
BS- All British Standards
ISO - %88
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) - %82

Business Periodicals Index Retrospective

Abstract & Index

SUBJECT HEADING: Economics and Administrative Sciences, Company Profiles, Business Administration
From 1913-1982, business history, technological advances, business strategies, marketing victories and failures, company profiles and up to great executives etc. Provides a summary of resources on topics. Contains indexes of 1,000+ periodicals, with citations from more than 2.5 million articles.
Business Source Ultimate

E-book & E-journal

SUBJECT HEADING: Economics and Administrative Sciences, Management Information Systems
It offers full-text access to Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, Money journals, including e-books, on subjects such as management, economics, finance, accounting, and international trade.
Byzantine Monuments Photographs Archive (Open Access)

Photographs Archive

The Byzantine Monuments Photographs Archive is an ongoing project by Koç University Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (GABAM) to create a digital photographic archive of Byzantine monuments in Istanbul. The core of the archive is made up of monuments found across the Historic Peninsula.

CaltechBOOK (Open Access)

Article Database

This is a repository of over 84,000 research papers authored by Caltech faculty and other researchers at Caltech.

Carnegie Mellon University Open Learning Initiative (Open Access)

Course Materials

SUBJECT HEADING: Arts and Humanities, Business, Computer Science and Programming, Data Science and Causal Reasoning, Language and Speech, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Logic, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences, Technology and Design
The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) at Carnegie Mellon University strives to transform teaching and learning by leveraging learning science and emerging technologies to increase student success, improve learning productivity and lower barriers to access.
CC Mixter (Open Access)

Open Access

CC Mixter is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons, where you can listen, sample, mix or interact with music in any way you like.

Center of Turkish Cinema Studies -TSA (Open Access)

Reference-Index Database

Published by the Foundation for Sciences and Arts’ Center for Turkish Cinema Studies, is an online platform that provides users with the established body of knowledge on Turkish cinema, follows the current trends, and represents cinema using specific criteria, while also incorporating systematic records of films, individuals, books, magazines, interviews, and theses related to cinema and conducting archive database studies pertaining to written, visual, and audio documents in the background.

Central & Eastern European Academic Source

E-book & E-journal

SUBJECT HEADING: Multidisciplinary
It offers a collection of nearly 660 full-text journals from over 30 countries. Some of the subjects it covers: Literature, science, law, business and economics, library and information sciences, engineering, political science, sociology, history, medicine and health sciences, etc.
ChemSpider (Open Access)

Chemical Data Sources

ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 67 million structures from hundreds of data sources.

Chester Beatty Museum (Open Access)

Manuscripts, Rare Books, Images

Described by Lonely Planet as 'not only Ireland's best museum but also one of the best in Europe', Chester Beatty is the leading Irish museum promoting the appreciation and understanding of world cultures through manuscripts, rare books and other collections. Here you will find more book arts such as miniatures and illumination than the books themselves.

CIARD R.I.N.G (Open Access)


The RING is a global directory of datasets and data services for the agri-food sector. It is the principal tool created through the CIARD initiative to allow information providers to register their services and datasets in various categories and so facilitate the discovery of sources of agriculture-related information across the world.

Clarivate-Essential Science Indicators

Bibliometric Analysis

SUBJECT HEADING: Number of Citations of Articles in the Field of Research, Annual Estimated Citation Rates for Articles in the Field of Research, Map View by Most Cited Articles
Determine influential individuals, institutions, papers, publications, and countries in hundreds of disciplines — as well as emerging research areas that could impact future work.
Clarivate-InCites Benchmarking & Analytics

Bibliometric Analysis

SUBJECT HEADING: Measurement of Research Inputs and Outputs Bibliometric Comparisons of Scientific Articles and Journals, Institutions, Authors, Regions
Analyze institutional productivity, monitor collaboration activity, identify influential researchers, showcase strengths, and discover areas of opportunity.
Clarivate-Journal Citation Reports

Bibliometric Analysis

SUBJECT HEADING: Scientific Journal "Q" Value Reports, Scientific Journal Citation Reports, Scientific Journal Subject Category Reports, Scientific Journal Index Information Reports
Journal performance metrics offer a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals.
Cogitatio (Open Access)

Article-Reference Database

Cogitatio is a publisher founded in 2014 with the aim of promoting open-access divulgation of scientific knowledge.

CoHE Thesis Center (Open Access)

Theses Database

Ulusal Tez Merkezi, includes master's, doctorate, medical and proficiency theses theses prepared in universities and research hospitals.

CORE (Açık Erişim)


The world's largest collection of open access research articles.

Coursera (Open Access)

Course Materials

SUBJECT HEADING: Multidisciplinary
More than 5,400 courses prepared in collaboration with 275+ leading universities are available for free.
DART-Europe E-theses Portal (Open Access)

Dissertations & Theses Database

DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.

David Rumsey Map Collection (Open Access)


The David Rumsey Map Collection contains more than 150,000 maps. The collection includes atlases, wall maps, globes, school geographies, pocket maps, books of exploration, maritime charts, and a variety of cartographic materials including pocket, wall, children's, and manuscript maps. Items range in date from about 1550 to the present.

Depremzedeler İçin Hukuk Rehberi

Legal Guide

The Legal Guide for the Victims of Earthquake was created in the context of both criminal law, private law and public law areas other than criminal law, by contacting academics and lawyers who are experts in the subject, and the rights of our citizens who suffered material and moral damage after the disaster and what they should do legally.
DergiPark - ULAKBİM (Open Access)

Journal Database

TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM provides online hosting services and an editorial workflow management system for academic journals published in Turkey via JournalPark platform.

Dictionary of Names of Turkish Literature (Open Access)


Türk Edebiyatı İsimler Sözlüğü is a study that handles the biographies of poets and writers of Turkish literature from the beginning to the present, according to the understanding of modern biography. It is presented to the service of the whole world in the General Network environment.

DigccMixter (Open Access)

Film, Video, Music

Learn why one in six uploads to DigccMixter is used in a YouTube(tm) video, flickr moving image, podcast, compilation album and thousands of other places on the web. Use of music requires attribution.

Digital Efficiency Library (Open Access)



There are more than 700 books in total under the title of Non-Permanent Publications. indefinite broadcasts; It covers publications such as books on productivity, translations, documents belonging to congresses, conferences, symposiums, papers, sessions, panels and seminars, research and examination results, sector reports, analyzes and indicators, guides.


Digital Engraving Library (Open Access)

Visual, Engraving

SUBJECT HEADING: Engraving, 19th century, Antique Edition
The digital engravings and maps of the 19th century and earlier periods collected over the years have been made available in Turkish and English as a visual database. The originals of the engravings were scanned and 10,000 works in 27 different categories were digitized.
Digital Public Library of America - DPLA (Open Access)


DPLA provides digital access to photographs, books, maps, news recordings, oral histories, personal letters, museum objects, works of art, state documents and much more, which are found in American libraries, archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions.

DIGRA | Digital Games Research Association (Open Access)

Digital Games

DIGRA, a leading international association for academics and professionals researching digital games and related phenomena, is an open access platform that promotes high-quality research on games and supports collaboration and dissemination of work among its members.

Dimensions (Open Access)


Free access to the Dimensions linked research database
Search all publications and datasets
Access millions of Open Access publications
Seamlessly export data and set alerts
Track citation counts and other publication metrics

Directory of Open Access Book - DOAB (Open Access)

Electronic Book

The database is open access book.

Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ (Open Access)

Journal Database

Open access is the journal database.

DOE Pages - Department of Energy Pages (Open Access)


U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information

DrugBank (Open Access)

Drug Data

DrugBank combines detailed drug (i.e. chemical, pharmacological and pharmaceutical) data with comprehensive drug target (i.e. sequence, structure, and pathway) information.

Duke University Libraries, Ottoman-Turkish Literature (Open Access)

Manuscript Collection

This database is that provides 216 books in Ottoman Turkish within Duke University Library.


Evidence-Based Clinical Reference

SUBJECT HEADING: Diagnosis and Treatment, Drug Content and Interactions
It is an evidence-based clinical reference tool for the fields of medicine, health sciences and pharmacy. Summaries containing evaluation and recommendations, diagnosis, treatment and many more categories include randomized controlled trial (RCT) information, strong and weak recommendations prepared according to GRADE depending on the level of evidence, alternative drugs that can be offered to patients, and referenced guidelines.
Eastern Mediterranean University Open Courseware (Open Access)

Course Materials

SUBJECT HEADING: Engineering, Architecture, Medicine and Health Sciences, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Law, Education, Communication, Social Sciences and Humanities
Eastern Mediterranean University offers free access to the resources related to the courses of its academic programs.
EBSCO Open Dissertations (Open Access)

Dissertations & Theses Database

EBSCO Open Theses ™, in collaboration with EBSCO and BiblioLabs, is open to electronic theses compared to academic theses.

EBSCO OpenDissertations

Doctoral Theses

SUBJECT HEADING: Multidisciplinary
Contains more than 1,200,000 doctoral theses in full text. It contains more than 1,200,000 doctoral theses dating from 1902 to the present. Open Dissertations displays the original printed index as a full page image and can be searched by author name, title name, subject name and university name.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection



SUBJECT HEADING: Multidisciplinary
EBSCOhost eBook Collection offers access to full-text e-books covering many disciplines, from business to science, engineering to social and human sciences.


Econbiz (Open Access)

Article-Conference Database

EconBiz is a rich content database of the German National Library of Economics in the fields of economics, business administration, accounting and so on.

Education Index Retrospective: 1929-1983

Abstract and Index

SUBJECT HEADING: Educational Sciences
By indexing more than 800 publications in detail, it offers more than 850,000 entries, including book reviews. Some topics: Multicultural / Ethnic education, language arts, religious education, computers in education, Science and mathematics, government funds, librarianship, literature standards, preschool education, school management, secondary education, arts, social studies, continuing education , distance education, adult education, etc.
Elsevier Clinical Skills Database | Until July 24, 2024


Elsevier Clinical Skills content creation process, resources used :
*Clinical Skills is written and updated by experienced nurses and respiratory specialists who have mastered evidence-based practice and are currently practising in the clinical field.
*Intensive Care, General, Paediatric and Emergency Nursing skills are adapted from respected textbooks written by leading professionals in their respective fields. During the adaptation process, expert nurses in their fields review and update all skills.
*Skills such as Maternal-Newborn, Mental Health, Neonatal Intensive Care, Oncology and Perioperative Nursing skills are written and reviewed by expert nurses using current evidence-based information and clinical practice guidelines.
*It follows the same rigorous process as the nursing skills written for Respiratory Care.
*Authors and referees who have worked in the field of specialisation for at least 5 years, have high degrees in their fields, and are members of professional associations contribute to the formation of the content.
*Clinical experts from each speciality continuously review the content. Updated skills are published monthly.

Professional organisations contributing to the development or review of its content:
*AACN (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses) partnered to develop critical care skills.
*A.S.P.E.N. (American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) reviewed and updated Nutrition skills.
*ONS (Oncology Nursing Society) - Oncology skills are developed in cooperation with ONS.

Resources used for skills development:
* Clinical practice guidelines
*Peer-reviewed journals
*National Standards
*Joint Commission, CMS, OSHA etc.
*Textbooks listed below:
- AACN, Procedure Manual for Critical Care
- AACN, Procedure Manual for Paediatric Acute and Critical Care
- Perry & Potter, Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques
- Proehl, Emergency Nursing Procedures
- Hockenberry: Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children

Elsevier Osmosis Database | Until July 24, 2024

Video, Study Cards, Exam Questions

Elsevier OSMOSIS MD by Elsevier is a medical education platform consisting of videos, study cards, exam questions.

It contains
Over 2000 Whiteboard-style animated videos
Basic Sciences videos and Clinical Sciences videos
Over 16,000 Flashcards

* For access, you must register with your corporate e-mail address.


Bibliometric Analysis

SciVal provides strategic insights to help your research programs thrive. SciVal's modular solution provides access to research performance data of over 24,000 research institutions and their associated researchers based across more than 230 nations worldwide.

Emerald Premier eJournal

E-book & E-journal

SUBJECT HEADING: Economics and Administrative Sciences, Librarianship
Contains 309 e-journals, 2.600+ e-books and 2.500 case studies on management, business, economics, education, engineering, information science and related subjects. More than 58,000 authors from nearly 140 countries contribute content.
English for Students (Open Access)


SUBJECT HEADINGS: English, Prep Class, Easy Reading, Grammar
This site provides a large collection of English as a Second Language (ESL) tools & resources for students, teachers, learners and academics.
EngrXiv Preprints- Engineering Archive (Open Access)


EngrXiv (Engineering Archive) is dedicated to the rapid and effective dissemination of engineering knowledge



SUBJECT HEADING: Educational Sciences
Provides access to journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. With more than 1.6 million records from 1966 to the present, ERIC links to more than 631,000 full-text documents.