TRIAL ACCESS | İdealonline Journals Database is on Trial Access Until February 28, 2022


İdealOnline database is on trial access until February 28, 2022.

İdealonline is a database that gathers information resources under a platform, provides access to information in Turkish resources, and offers them to the service of readers and researchers.

There are over 500 academic journals in the IdealOnline database, which contains the current issues and archives of popular journals such as Atlas, Popular Science, How It Works, Capital, Atlas Tarih, CHIP, Hece, Notos, Bilim ve Ütopya and Güncel Sanat.

 İdealonline Güncel İçerik Bilgileri;

1.000+ Academic Popular Journals

17.000 Number of Archievs

155.000+ Full Text Article

For off-campus access, you can use the link By using your off-campus access account, you can access the “Flipster Journals” database from the “Trial” tab.