Bridgeman Education database is on trial access until April 4, 2022.
Bridgeman Education, the online education resource of the Bridgeman Art Library; It offers access to the world's leading visual content in the fields of fine arts, architecture, culture and history. Bridgeman Education legally provides access to over 2 million high-definition visual content for use in education and training.
In Bridgeman Education;
- Displays of 1,600 museums and private collections
- More than 8,000 venues
- 30,000 artists
- 3,000 frescoes (wall painting based on wet plaster)
- 1800 oil paintings
- 32.000 engravings and lithographs
- 7,000 manuscripts
- 22,600 ceramics
- 17,000 photos
- 11,000 sculptures
- 16,000 architectural images
- 18,000 landscape and topography images
- 28,000 portraits
- 6,000 designs and stencils
- 2100 unchipped stone and jewelry pictures
- Visual contents from Turkey (Hagia Sophia Museum, Selimiye Mosque, Blue Mosque, Mausoleums, Palaces and the structure and architectural details of the building)
For off-campus access, you can use the link h By using your off-campus access account, you can access the “Bridgeman Education” database from the “Trial” tab.