Dear İstinye Family,
From the first meeting on April 23, 1920, when the Turkish Grand National Assembly was opened, to the present, all the minutes of the Parliament, which consists of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the National Assembly, the Senate of the Republic, the Constituent Assembly, the Assembly of Representatives, the National Unity Committee, the National Security Council and the Consultative Assembly, "the keyword is electoral district. As a result of all inquiries made on the basis of elements such as "name of the deputy, name of the deputy, subject, name of the parliament, legislative period, legislative year, date range", the printed original page images can be accessed in pdf format.
Access Link: https://www5.tbmm.gov.tr/kutuphane/tutanak_sorgu.html
You can access the "Cumhuriyet Dönemi Meclisleri Genel Kurul Tutanakları" database under "Open Access" databases on the library home page.
For your questions, requests and suggestions, you can contact us via the e-mail address kutuphane@istinye.edu.tr.