Dear Istinye Family,
World eBook Library database has been opened to access.
World eBook Library database offers books and articles in electronic format. It offers the opportunity to listen to e-books in every field such as education, science, sociology and technology online or download them in MP3 format. Provide access to electronic copies of articles and journals in PDF format with online or unlimited download; You can read from your smartphone, Kindle or any portable e-reading device.
In the World eBook Library database:
- More than 4,000,000 documents on multidisciplinary topics
- A collection spanning 1000 years
- Books and documents in 200 languages
- 1,900,000 e-books (pdf)
- 1,600,000 Encyclopedia articles
- Over 500,000 various documents (pdf)
- 145,503 journals (pdf)
- 11,158 newspapers (pdf)
- 5,791 audiobooks (mp4)
- 5,318 training videos
- There are 15,126 unbound notes.
For off-campus access, you can access the “World eBook Library” database via the "Databases – E-Book Collection" tab on the library home page.
For your questions, requests and suggestions, you can reach us via the e-mail address kutuphane@istinye.edu.tr.