
Dear Istinye Family,

Reaxys + Reaxy Medicinal Chemistry database subscription process has been completed and opened to access.

Reaxys + Reaxy Medicinal Chemistry is a highly intuitive and robust database that helps researchers cut in half the time they spend searching for relevant chemistry literature, valid compound properties and experimental procedures.

It contains; early discovery in drug development, environmental health and safety studies, materials science, target relevance data, comprehensive pharmacokinetic, toxicity and metabolic profiles.

Reaxys + Reaxy Medicinal Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry module offers the opportunity to scan by drawing with Marvin JS and ChemDraw JS, import your local files to Reaxys, and create complex research queries with Query Builder. At the same time, access link to patents from 105 patent offices and 170 IPC classes, claims and extracts of patents. It provides quick access to many critical information including experimental procedures and access to translation of abstracts, titles and claims for all non-English patents.

For off-campus access, you can access the “Reaxys + Reaxy Medicinal Chemistry” database via the "Databases - Subscriber" tab on the library home page.

For your questions, requests and suggestions, you can contact us via the e-mail address