Dear Istinye Family,
ProQuest E-book Central database subscription process has been completed and now available for access.
ProQuest E-book Central provides full-text access to 265.000+ electronic books. In the content of ProQuest E-book Central;
- Medicine
- Business & Economics
- Anthropology
- Computer & IT
- Fine Arts
- Engineering and Technology
- Education
- History, Language & Literature
- Psychology
- Physical Sciences
- Science
- It contains hundreds of sub-titles classified under 15 main topics such as Religion and Social Sciences.
For off-campus access, you can access the “ProQuest E-book Central” database via the “Databases – E-Book Collections” tab on the library home page.
For your questions, requests and suggestions, you can reach us via the e-mail address kutuphane@istinye.edu.tr.