IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT | ProQuest E-book Central Textbooks Content Update

ProQuest Ebook

ProQuest E-book Central provides full text access to 247.351+ electronic books. It contains;

Business & Economics
Computer & IT
Fine Arts
Engineering and Technology
History, Language & Literature
Physical Sciences

It contains hundreds of sub-titles classified under 15 main topics such as Religion and Social Sciences.
In addition to this content, 3,400 more textbooks were added to the ProQuest E-Book Central database content, providing unlimited access throughout the subscription period.

The list of textbooks included in the E-book Central subscription package is attached.

For off-campus access, you can use the link h By using your off-campus access account, you can access the “ProQuest E-Book Central” database from the “E-book Collections” tab.

ProQuest E-Book Central