IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT | LEGALING Database Is on Trial Access Until December 31, 2021



LEGALING which is a comprehensive database including translation for legal terminology in English-Turkish and Turkish-English is on trial access for the members of our University until December 15, 2021.


You can find details about accessing in the Access Guide.


-    More than 500 concept pairs are added weekly to the existing database of more than 35,000 concept pairs.
-    Concepts to be added to the database are determined by prioritizing users' searches.
-    There are sample sentences made for each concept to indicate the use of the concepts.
-    Detailed explanations are added where necessary in order to prevent mistakes that may be made in translation process.
It is not necessary to create an account or log in to access the trial account. For access, you only need to click on the “Academic” button in the upper right corner on the homepage. Users accessing from the academic account can view all the content without any restrictions.