Dear İstinye Family,
We invite you to the online seminar organised by URAP Research Laboratory.
Seminar : Bilimin Değerler Dizini
Speaker : Prof. Dr. Feza KORKUSUZ - Head of Hacettepe University Department of Sports Medicine
Date: 26 November 2024 - Tuesday - 01:30 PM
Presentation Language : Turkish
Meeting ID: 241 433 955 45
Password: 7rRRp4
Link and Registration Address: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:meeting_ZmQ1OWVlYWMtOGJkMC00OWQ4LTliNTAtYWYyNzAwNmVkM2Ux@thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%22a6d8404c-cd2d-433b-8f4c-c5d18f9693ca%22,%22Oid%22:%225f362736-75a5-4d48-b660-a781482d98b9%22%7D
Seminars organised by URAP Research Laboratory will continue monthly throughout the academic year.
Short CV
He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1986. He completed his specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 1992. Between 1989 and 1990, he received a Japanese government (MONBUSHO) scholarship for one and a half years and received surgical training in spinal diseases and sports injuries at Osaka University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, and conducted basic and clinical research studies in the fields of osteomyelitis and tissue engineering. In 1993, he completed HÜSAM Hospital Management Certificate Programme.
He worked as the Chief Physician of Middle East Technical University Health and Guidance Centre between 1993-2013 and as a lecturer at Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Physical Education and Sports between 1995-2013. He became associate professor in 1994 and professor in 2001. He won the METU Parlar Foundation Incentive Award in 1999 and TUBITAK Incentive Award in 2000 in the field of Health Sciences for his studies in his field. Since 1991, he has been a member of the Orthopaedic Research Society and since 2008 a member of the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Dr Korkusuz, who serves on the executive or advisory boards of national and international reputable journals, is one of the Deputy Editors of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. In 2007, he was the president of the World Congress of Football and Science and in 2010 he was the president of the European Congress of Sports Sciences. Fluent in English, German and Japanese, Dr Korkusuz has numerous national and international publications in the field of orthopaedics, sports sciences and tissue engineering. Dr Korkusuz, who has conducted various national and international research projects, has 3 patents. His areas of expertise include biomaterials, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications, cellular therapies, biomechanics and sports physiology.