Dear İstinye Family,

We would like to announce that İklim Portalı and World Database of Happiness open access databases have been added to our ‘Open Access Databases’ list.


  1. İklim Portalıaims to collect all data and information on climate change throughout Turkey in a single source, allowing all users to access scientifically verified content from a single source. The main purpose of the Climate Portal is to create a consistent and up-to-date knowledge base by facilitating the collection, sharing and use of information on the effects of climate change, vulnerability to climate change and adaptation to climate change. Climate Portal is expected to lay the groundwork for sound practice by establishing a dialogue between decision-makers and government and non-state stakeholders.
  2. World Database of Happiness, In order to get happier, we must know what makes us happy. Policy makers must know in what kinds of societies and organizations people feel happiest. Individuals must know what ways of life tend to add most to the happiness of their kind of people. Scientific research on happiness is booming, but its results are difficult to overview, due to terminological Babel and the growing number of studies, which is now passed more than 800 each year. 

Access Link:

Access Link:


You can access Open Access Databases from the Library Web page under ‘Open Access Databases’.

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