Open Access Database

Veri Tabanları
Database Name Content Information
Republic of Turkey Publications of the Council of State (Open Access)

Journal Database

Republic of Turkey includes journals published by the Council of State.

Republic of Turkey State Archives Department (Open Access)

State Archive Documents

Republic Archive Department; The National Struggle is an archive that performs the necessary studies on the determination, protection, organization and evaluation of the archive material belonging to the period of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the Republic.

The Department of the Ottoman Archives is an archive of the Prime Ministry, which includes the agreements, books and all other documents signed by the empire from the first years of the Ottoman Empire to its collapse.

Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Culture and Tourism Film Archive (Open Access)

Film Archive

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism digitizes and restores the films in the archive created by the General Directorate of Cinema to preserve for future generations historical films that serve as important visual records of the country's cultural heritage.

Nitrate-based films have been digitized by the Professor Sami Şekeroğlu Cinema and Television Center of the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. 

The information and commentary on the films on this site were provided by Atatürk High Institution of Culture, Language and History; The Turkish Historical Society; The Turkish Language Association and the Directorate General of Cinema. 

If you identify any information (including dates, people, topics, events, etc.) about the films on this site that you feel should be added or updated, please notify us by clicking on the “Information Form” button under the relevant film.

Rijks Museum (Open Access)


Sign up for an account to download images of artworks permitted by copyright holders or where copyright has expired.

SafetyLit (Open Access)

Index Database

SafetyLit includes doctoral theses, "scientific" reports and summaries of journal articles on the occurrence of injuries and risk factors

ScienceOpen (Open Access)


ScienceOpen is a discovery platform with interactive features for academics to develop their research in the open, make an impact and get credit for it.

Search eLibrary - SSRN (Open Access)

Article Database

Social Science Research Network SSRN eLibrary offers articles to researchers from different disciplines..

Smithsonian (Open Access)

2D, 3D Images

Share and reuse millions of Smithsonian images right now, without asking. With new platforms and tools, you'll have easier access to nearly 3 million 2D and 3D digital products from our collections, with many more to come. This includes images and data from the Smithsonian's 19 museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives, and the National Zoo.

SSRN (Open Access)


A repository for preprints dedicated to the rapid dissemination of scientific research in the social sciences, humanities, life sciences and health sciences.

T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Dijital Tarım Kütüphanesi


7,466 e-books that are accessible electronically in the Digital Agriculture Library catalog are agricultural resources. You can access e-books through your e-Government account.
T.R. Includes Presidential Digital Transformation Office Green Technologies


T.R. Includes Presidential Digital Transformation Office Green Technologies Research Report

T.R. Includes Presidential Office of Digital Transformation Video Game Industry


T.R. Includes Presidential Office of Digital Transformation Video Game Industry Research Report

T.R. Presidency Digital Transformation Office Includes New Generation Transportation Technology Hyperloop


TR Presidency Digital Transformation Office Includes New Generation Transportation Technology Hyperloop Research Report

T.R. Presidential Digital Transformation Office Chatbot Application and ChatGPT Example


T.R. Presidential Digital Transformation Office Chatbot Application and ChatGPT Case Evaluation Report

TDV Islamic Encyclopedia (Open Access)

Encyclopedia Reference

TDV Islamic Encyclopedia is the first encyclopedia in the world that has been prepared and completed by Muslims and is original in terms of both the substance list and content and style.

Telaffuz Sözlüğü (Open Access)


SUBJECT TITLE: Pronunciation, Dictionary
Pronunciation Dictionary is a thematic dictionary containing pronunciation and stress of words. In this dictionary, the words that appear in the news and programs on radio and television and have pronunciation errors, and the words that students have difficulty in saying in literary texts in High School Literature books are included with their spelling, pronunciation and meanings.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Open Access)


SUBJECT HEADINGS: Philosophy, Encyclopedia
It was established in 1995 to provide open access to detailed, scientific, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all fields of philosophy. The encyclopedia works without funding through the volunteer work of editors, authors, volunteers and technical advisors.
The Live Lingua Project (Open Access)

Language Learning

The Live Lingua project is part of our commitment to help as many people as possible learn a foreign language, even if they cannot afford our paid lessons with our online English and Spanish teachers

The National Academies Press (Open Access)


SUBJECT HEADING: Multidisciplinary
The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the publications of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. NAP publishes more than 200 publications per year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and medicine, providing authoritative, independently researched information on important matters in science and health policy.
The National Archives: Domesday Book (Open Access)


SUBJECT HEADINGS: Britain, Kingdom of Britain, Winchester Book, Doomsday Book
The Domesday Book is an inventory of the Kingdom of England conquered by William I in 1085 and completed in 1086. Originally called the "Winchester Book", it was dubbed the "Doomsday Book" because of the chills it evoked in the native English.
The New York Public Library Digital Collections (Open Access)

Video, Maps, Photographs

This public collection includes the New York City collection, historical maps, botanical illustrations, unique manuscripts, photographs, old religious texts and more.

TR Dizin


TR Index being created by ULAKBIM; It consists of journals in the basic subjects of Science and Social Sciences, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Basic Sciences, Health Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Social and Human Sciences.

TRIP Database (Open Access)

Evidence-Based Clinical Reference

Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.

Trove - National Library of Australia (OpenAccess)


Helps your find and use resources about Australia. The Australian National Library, the Australian Archive and Manuscript Recording, Australian pictures, Australian libraries, Australian music, Australian dance, the PANDORA web archive, the ARROW Discovery Service and the Australian newspapers beta service and the portal constitute a portal for all online discovery services of the library.

TÜBİTAK Funded Projects Database


TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM has been carrying out activities to create National Databases for this purpose since the early 1990s. In this context, free access to the full texts of the final reports of the projects finalised since 1965 is provided from the "TÜBİTAK Funded Projects Database".

Since 2000, the "TUBITAK Funded Projects Database", which is open to everyone, can be searched on the basis of project number, title, executive/researcher/consultant name, year and keyword. 21,824 project records are available in the database, which also provides access to the full text of the projects as well as the number of views, downloads and publications resulting from the project. Project result reports can be accessed at the end of embargo periods, if any. Embargo periods can be extended upon the request of the project coordinator. Projects belonging to ARDEB Groups SAVTAG (TÜBİTAK Defence and Security Technologies Research Funding Group) and KAMAG (Public Research Funding Group) are not included in the database for security reasons.

Turk MEDLINE (Open Access)

Journal Database

Türk Medline Ulusal Sağlık Bilimleri Süreli Yayınlar veritabanı, scientific and periodicals published in Turkey aimed to be accessed from a common health sciences fields located in the magazine article in 2004 and began broadcasting over the Internet with this goal.

Turkey Academic Archive (Open Access)

Institutional Academic Archives

TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM’de geliştirilen Türkiye Akademik Arşivi (Harman), national archives, magazines (data providers) and search engine services (service providers) establishing a relationship between the metadata blending software that allows access to content that is required according to international standards. It is aimed to collate the metadata of the contents of the National Institutional Open Archive and to provide access to publications through the Blend address.

Turkey Articles Bibliography (Open Access)


Türkiye Makaleler Bibliyografyası, provides qualified scientific and cultural magazines with various scientific meetings and published in the Proceedings of the end of selected areas within the article of access to bibliographic records.

Turkey Parliament Library (Open Access)

Public Service

Library of Parliament, the legislature of the deputies, supervision and provision of documents and information resources they may need while fulfilling their duty of representation, to be organized and efficient manner is put into service.

Turkish Court of Accounts Journal (Open Access)

Journal Database

The subject of the journal is limited to the field of social sciences, especially audit, administration and law.

Turkish Food Composition Database (Open Access)

Reference-Analytical Data

Ulusal Gıda Kompozisyon Veritabanı, Turkey produced in geography and consumed processed-unprocessed agricultural products nutrient composition of advanced laboratory analysis techniques with determination and from start to finish traceable data-generating-use-managing unique and sustainable is based on a national system based on the establishment.

Turkish Manuscript Institution Presidency e-Book Portal (Open Access)

Manuscript Collection

Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı e-Kitap Portalı is a collection of manuscripts submitted in electronic book format.

Turkish Psychiatry Index (Open Access)

Index Database

Turkish Psychiatry Index is a directory project which has been online since 2000. The index includes journals focusing on Psychiatry and related sciences with Turkish abstracts.

Unsplash (Open Access)


Unsplash photos are licensed under Creative Commons Zero (CC0), which means that you may copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free, including for commercial purposes, without asking permission from or attribution to the photographer or Unsplash. Note that photos from different sources may appear on pages with different licenses.

Video Game History Foundation Digital Archive

The Video Game History

The VGHF Digital Archive is the portal for our digitally preserved content. You can directly access our digital collections and search through the full text of documents, magazines, transcripts, and more.

Wageningen (Open Access)

Botanical Photography, Drawing, Painting

Wageningen University and Research Center has made available the data of 40 years of research on plants digitally. This collection contains 1,180 drawings, the result of 40 years of root system excavations in Europe, mainly in Austria. Drawings, analyzes and explanations were made by the University.

World Database of Happiness (Open Access)


Archive of research findings on subjective enjoyment of life

World Scientific Publishing COVID-19 (Open Access)

Journal Database

Existing library customers will receive an automatic upgrade of their journal access to one that includes ALL World Scientific journal content published from 2001, until June 30, 2020

Yerel Kimlik Dergisi (Open Access)


SUBJECT HEADING: Natural and Cultural Heritage
Bringing together the experience and know-how of the Union of Historic Cities for more than 20 years with the public, Local Identity magazine provides electronic access to the most up-to-date reflections of the work carried out by the member municipalities of the Union and developments in the fields of natural and cultural heritage.